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David Devlin

It is a new year! Welcome 2023! And welcome to a new "Project 365"!

What is this project? Well, it's a very basic exercise for photographers. Your goal is to make an image and post it to your social media platforms. Oh, and you do this for an entire year.

That's right. Each and every day for an entire year! Sounds easy enough. Right?

Don't get cocky!

This project is best suited for photographers who are just beginning their journey with a camera. It helps put the camera in your hand, allows for great composition practice, forces you to be aware of your environment and settings on your gear of choice, etc.

But this project has been utilized by photographers of all skill levels for years.

From time-to-time photographers will find themselves lacking motivation or inspiration. Sometimes they get sloppy with camera settings. In other cases, they are missing the best opportunities to fire the shutter, or worse yet they don't have a camera with them when they see what should be a great image.

This type of project gets the camera back in your hand, resharpens your skills and gets you back on your game.

For me, this is the fifth time I will be executing this project and just the second time I will begin one at the start of a new year, I'm feeling excited about the camera being in my hand each day for a year and wonder what I will capture along the way.

On New Years Day I wandered up to Pottstown, Pa's "Riverfront Park" to witness the 14th Annual Polar Bear Plunge!

If you choose you can follow along on my social media sites. Links are available here on the website.

I'll have new blog posts periodically during the project. Happy New Year to everyone!

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